The Bohemian's Back blog is a place for us to develop discussion ideas, share resources related to our meetings, and enhance our exploration of topics that we take on.
When a member is ready to work on a topic for discussion, post it here. New posts can include links to articles, embedded videos, pictures, and whatever else you would like us to ponder in anticipation of a meeting. New posts should also include an article that you write on your topic. The article can be a summary or it can just hit a few points of interest. Or it can just be a stream of thought. Length is up to you.
After the discussion, please consider adding to the post. Did we reach any conclusions? Did we find a way to examine your topic in an entirely new light? Is a follow-up discussion called for?
We have also created a Facebook Page here:!/groups/140091362738262
The Facebook Page is a place to quickly post a link or a thought or a shout-out without it necessarily having to be related to a topic that we are developing. Did you come across an incredible article? Post the link. Maybe a discussion will come of it.
The blog and the FB page are works in progress. Please post comments, ideas, and more.
We discuss philosophy to misosophy, politics to economics, religion to atheism. We choose topics and dwell on them together over a cup of tea, a glass of wine or a beer. We converse in an environment of tolerance where other members will support your viewpoints or politely challenge them. Or you may just want to listen to some funny, outrageous or brilliant ideas.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Capitalism 2.0
Capitalism 2.0 Bohemian's Back Discussion Prezi
Additional material available at
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