
Monday, October 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Is Occupy Wall Street a force for anything? Thus far, its nebulous demands have made it seem like an opportunity for the unemployed, on their 99 weeks of UI, to get together and have lunch. Or is the media helping to make it seem that way?

Let's discuss what OWS means now and what it could mean in the future. Might this be a movement that leads to real change? Do we want real change? 

Realistically, what can we hope for? And what are potential bad outcomes? How destabilizing a force could it be?

Suggested watching:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Transcendent Man: Documentary & Discussion

Transcendent Man: Documentary & Discussion

(Posted by Emily Effner)

"Transcendent Man" is a documentary directed by Barry Ptolemy, that introduces the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil, the renowned futurist who journeys the world offering his (relatively controversial) vision of the future. The idea he has made popular is called the "Technological Singularity", and it refers to the hypothetical future emergence of greater-than-human intelligence through technological means. As this suggests, it means downloading the human mind and potentially living forever... and all within the 21st century.

These are pretty spectacular predictions, but are they really that spectacular in light of the rate of technological development?

How do you think this would affect society?

Even if people were given the option to live forever do you think they would?

The "Future of Technology" is a huge meaty discussion topic that we don't expect to tackle in one session, but thought that a viewing of the documentary and short discussion would be, A) Fun and B). A good start for additional discussions on technology.

"Transcendent Man" Official Trailer:

Cancer - a biography


(Posted by Pedro Sousa)

Is cancer merely the next domino to fall in the wake of the advances of modern medical science, before we can claim our inevitable immortality, or is it an intrinsic part of a complex living creature, as inseparable from us as the very code that gives us life?

In The Emperor of All Maladies, Siddhartha Mukherjee writes a biography of Cancer, a story that spans from ancient times to these modern times. Only a master storyteller can make a book on a topic, as dry as the history of the human understanding of cancer, read as though it were a thriller.

Bohemian discussion:

What do you think about making engaging but non-technical books a part of a teaching curriculum as a way to get students excited about a subject?

Given the examples in this book and throughout history of medical experts being so horribly wrong, when can you trust an expert? When is it appropriate for an expert in an area to mock a quack that could potentially do harm to the public?

Given that the experts were often so wrong, to what degree should medicine be more open to new ideas and willing to investigate possibilities that seem far-fetched to the experts. At the same time, resources are finite, and there is a point of diminishing returns to investigating every theory. There are also many theories that have potential to do significant harm to the public put are constantly being put forth by quacks. Where should we draw the line?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Solitude as a constructive endeavor

(Posted by Emily Effner)
Would you ever consider solitude a constructive endeavor?

It’s a good question. You could find yourself saying, “Yes, I can see that”, but you could equally find someone of the opposite opinion: that it has no value, is wasteful, is selfish, or foolish.

The concept of Solitude struck my interest when I found a seminar offered on the eremitical (hermit) tradition at UCSD. What was there to learn about… hermits? What constitutes a hermit? They are like outcasts, but are sometimes highly regarded in certain societies. What are they to our culture? How can someone be so actively apart of society, and then just comfortably disappear?

A book by Philip Koch called Solitude (Chapters 1 & 2) clarified a great deal of the mystery and appeal of solitude with what he called the “5 Virtues of Solitude”:
(basically these are themes Koch identified in famous writers who sought solitude, such as: Lao Tzu, Plato, Jesus, Dickenson, Thoreau, Hesiod, Emerson, Muir, Rousseau,.. )

• freedom to think in whatever fashion you'd like, beyond all social constraint: no longer having to be that predictable person we share with the world. And beyond all social obligation that otherwise would be present if anyone else was there.

• attunement to self; to finally hear a clear voice in your head that is recognizably your own. An awareness of thought, feelings, and emotion (devoid of censorship) to understand the reason behind your own judgments, opinions, and actions; Perhaps a point where you are entirely honest with yourself. An ability to achieve a sense of ‘wholeness’ (or centeredness, completeness, etc).

• attunement to nature; it is extremely common to acquire a more sensitized perception of the world around you – namely, nature, when in solitude. A loss of of the sense of barriers with it (where we actually feel apart of it), and an incredible appreciation.

• a reflective perspective: involves a thoughtful approach to the elements of experience. To just quote Koch: “The more given to reflection a person is, the more a philosopher: and when, in addition, the objective of reflection is a connected vision of the whole reality, we have a philosopher in the strongest sense of the term”.

• creativity: goes beyond all the previous 4 mentioned. ‘It imposes a programmatic ordering upon its freedom of action’, ‘ability to gather disparate elements into the conceptual statement. ‘ To go farther.

Another great read, and great for discussion:

So my fellow Bohemians, what do you think? Do you agree with these categories set forth my Koch?
Do you think we are often infected by what is “normal” in our society?
Do you think a person who can fully welcome interaction & as they do solitude, is in any way enlightened?
What have you ever gotten from solitude?
Do you think as human beings we fear to be ourselves or to be alone?

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Bohemian's Back blog

The Bohemian's Back blog is a place for us to develop discussion ideas, share resources related to our meetings, and enhance our exploration of topics that we take on.

When a member is ready to work on a topic for discussion, post it here. New posts can include links to articles, embedded videos, pictures, and whatever else you would like us to ponder in anticipation of a meeting. New posts should also include an article that you write on your topic. The article can be a summary or it can just hit a few points of interest. Or it can just be a stream of thought. Length is up to you.

After the discussion, please consider adding to the post. Did we reach any conclusions? Did we find a way to examine your topic in an entirely new light? Is a follow-up discussion called for?

We have also created a Facebook Page here:!/groups/140091362738262

The Facebook Page is a place to quickly post a link or a thought or a shout-out without it necessarily having to be related to a topic that we are developing. Did you come across an incredible article? Post the link. Maybe a discussion will come of it.

The blog and the FB page are works in progress. Please post comments, ideas, and more.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Capitalism 2.0

Capitalism 2.0 Bohemian's Back Discussion Prezi